2-4 July 2008, Genoa (Genova), Italy
First announcement, January 2008
• PROGRAM - Genoa2008program.html
• Abstracts of the presentations - Genoa2008prs.html
The aim of the annual workshops is the exchange of knowledge,
information, and opinions on all aspects of cognition and related
topics, with emphasis on exchanges between different disciplines
involved. Papers may be either of a general kind, or specific, but
with sufficient attention for the general aspects, and understandable
for the audience from a wide variety of disciplines. The following
disciplines belong explicitly to the scope of the workshop:
- psychology (cognitive, developmental), perception,
- biology, with emphasis on evolution and cognition,
- artificial intelligence (general aspects),
- associative memory and neural networks, neuroscience,
- language (also origin of language, computational, and disorders),
- education and instruction,
- philosophy, history of concepts.
Experimental papers should be placed within a theoretical framework.
Papers accepted for the workshop may be published in the Yearbook of the
ESSCS (this is to replace the journal of the ESSCS, 'Cognitive Systems').
Tuesday 1st of July there will be a local meeting of the second GESCO (‘Genova Scienze Cognitive’). This is an opportunity for people working in Genoa in cognitive sciences to meet, but also for participants of the Annual workshop to meet researchers from Genoa (from different faculties like psychology, linguistics. science, engineering, etc.); for the occasion presentations will be in the English language.
Accomodation will be available in convenient single and double rooms in a
hotel in the city. Rooms: € 63 (single room), and € 39 (double room), prices per person per night, including breakfast. A block booking has been made until 7 June.
Upon request also single rooms in a bed-and-breakfast place are available in Genoa, early booking required.
Please send abstracts of papers as soon as possible. Last-minute participation
is possible if room is available, but the number of papers is limited to 24, and the number of participants to 40. Length of abstracts: between 20 and 40 lines (1-2 kByte), to be sent by E-mail (preferably textfile).
Registration fee 32 Euro for members of the ESSCS, ASoCS, LOS;
42 Euro for others, students 15 Euro.
Arrival: Tuesday 1 July afternoon (or earlier for GESCO), welcome party 18.00 hrs. afterwards dinner in the city. Lectures will start on Wednesday 2 July at 11.00 hrs.
Genoa has an airport, and there is a train from the city of Milan, which also has an airport. Genoa has the biggest medieval city centre of Europe. Further information on how to reach the workshop will be given to participants, and upon request.
For information on the ESSCS and on previous workshops,
see the webpage:
For specific questions on the Workshop, the Society, and the Yearbook (journal), on form and content of papers for the workshop, and for registration, please write, fax, or mail to:
ESSCS, Dept. of Psychology (E&A), University of Groningen
Grote Kruisstraat 2-1, 9712 TS Groningen, The Netherlands.
Telephone Netherlands +31-50- 3636454 (or 3636472), Fax +31-50-3636304
For a copy of the registration form mail to: